Now that you have the white cross in the right place you need o put the white corners in their right place to form a face with all white on it. One combination is that the corner piece you need is under where it needs to be and the white part is facing the right side. To put this piece in the right spot you need to do this sequence: r d R. This will put the corner piece in the right spot with the white matching the pieces of the white cross and the two other colors matching the middle squares on their faces. Another combination is the opposite and that the piece is directly under where it needs to go and the white square is facing the left side. The sequence for this is: L D l. A final combination you could have is that the piece you have is directly under where it needs to go but the white is facing down. The sequence you would use for this is either: r D D R D r d R OR L D D l d L D l. The one you use is determined by which side of the front face the square is on. It would be either the right or left respectively. Now you should have the white corners in the right places. If your cube matches the one below, you can move onto the next step!
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