Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The First Step of the Rubik's Cube

The first step is to get a cross of one color. In my blog this color will be white but yours can be any preferred color. When making the first cross you have to make sure that the non-white color on that square matches the color right below it. If you have any that are in the right spot, then you are just that much closer to completing the step. If the piece you need is on one of the sides of the cube you can rotate the top and then move that piece to the top row and turn back the top face. The sequence could possibly look like this: u R U. Another place that the piece you need could be is on the bottom face. To put that piece in the right place, you need to have it directly under where it needs to be and do a front turn twice. That sequence could be like this: D F F. After repeating these steps you should have the white cross done and you will be closer to solving the Rubik's Cube!

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